Hi everyone, Going to Orlando for the 1st time with wife and two kids (9 %26amp;14) in Feb 08. We are stopping in the Disney hotel All stars Sports I think. I was just wondering if you could recomend any good cheap places to eat, mainly breakfast and evening meal.
I don%26#39;t know who is more excited me or the kids!
Eating in Orlandoandy70618,
For breakfast there is a McDonalds you will drive past on the way to the resort at the intersection of Osceola Parkway. As to inexpensive places to eat dinner, get in your car and drive east on Osceola Parkway. Cross I-4. At the next major intersection make a right in front of the Gaylord Palms Hotel on to International Drive South. Take it to the end at 192. For about a mile in either direction are more chain restaurants than you could possibly take advantage of. Take your pick.
Eating in OrlandoI didn%26#39;t see that he is going to have a car.
Go to denny%26#39;s for your breakfast there great and they are everywhere, and for your evening meal try either golden coral or pondarosa or sizzlers they do buffets where you pay about $10 for adults and $7 for kids eat as much as you like steaks, pasta, chicken everything and loads of desserts love loved them when we went last year wde are going back nexy year, hope it helps.
If you%26#39;re not going to have a car, go to www.allearsnet.com and check out the dining options there on the Disney property and at the All Stars. Earl of Sandwich and McDonalds are definitely on the cheaper side at Downtown Disney, as well as Wolfgang Puck%26#39;s Express (which is separate from the main Wolfgang Puck complex). The All Star Cafe (at Disney%26#39;s Wide World of Sports, not at All Star Resorts) is comparatively lower priced than some other places. If you%26#39;re wanting to do sit down meals at the parks and at the resorts (outside of food court options, etc.) its best to make reservations as early as possible. There are menus and pictures for some places on the above website.
If you will have a car, you will have more options.
Thank you all for the info. I am having a car, was told better to have and not need, than to need and not have.
Any other tips would be appreciated.
If you have a car follow Cruising informatiom, but when you get to I-Drive and 192 I would turn left (192 East), most of the restaurants are going to be in that direction, if you go right (192 West) your%26#39;ll have to cross I-4 and the southern part of Disney before you get to all the restaurants about 2 Miles.
I definately second the vote for Golden Corral if you want a good value meal - the choice of food is great and there should be something for all the family. If you%26#39;re going to do a buffet I would go for GC over Ponderosa or Sizzler anytime. Ci Ci%26#39;s Pizza is (surprisingly!) a pizza %26amp; salad buffet that only costs about $5 per person - not the most amazing quality food I have ever had but you can%26#39;t beat it for the price if you want a quick, cheap %26amp; cheerful meal.
For non buffet places we always used to go to Dennys, IHOP %26amp; Perkins when I was the same age as your kids - again all are pretty reasonable (average about $7-$10 for a main course if I remember correctly) and offer a good choice of food. To be honest if you go to any of the chain restaurants you will probably think the food is cheap compared to what we would pay for the same type of thing in the UK!
When you are over there remember to look out for the coupon books - they quite often have them in restaurant car parks or just inside the door. These can save you maybe 10%-15% off your meal or kids eat free etc which all adds up.
For cheap food of decent quality and a very varied menu with great takeaway cakes and muffins, Perkins is always a safe bet.
TIP: Buy your water from a Walmart or Pharmacy (can%26#39;t remember the chain name) in bulk for something like 99c for a demijohn. It%26#39;s about $2.99 for a small bottle on Disney property.
There are also some decent chain restaurants just off Disney property without having to travel to I-drive. pretty sure there%26#39;s a perkins there too.
If you want more info anytime... just yell I%26#39;m on your doorstep :))
BTW definately grab coupon books.
They have some great %26#39;Kids eat free%26#39; deals and 2-for-1 type offers. They%26#39;re free, they%26#39;re everywhere so you can use them for every meal if you want.
TIP Check out your credit card%26#39;s foreign transaction charge. Most are up to 2.75% per transaction. Nationwide BS doesn%26#39;t charge though and have a 10month balance transfer 3 month purchase offer at the moment. Might be worth applying for one to finance your trip?
TIP Always fill in the gratuity amount when paying by credit card. If you leave it blank, an unscrupulous server could add whatever they like to your bill, and you might NOT get it back if you challenge the card company later..
Remember also that the servers are not normally paid like UK and their income is solely from tips, so factor the tip into your meal cost. A good %26#39;guesstimate%26#39; for good service is to double the state tax @7% to give a 12.5-14% tip (figures may have changed). At the same time don%26#39;t accept poor service because you have an English accent !!
The problem is that Brits aren%26#39;t used to tipping and servers sort of relate %26#39;English Accent , no tip, no service%26#39; if you aren%26#39;t careful. At the same time I have deliberately not left a tip at a decent restaurant because of poor service (not poor food), and the waiter followed me outside to demand his tip.
15% of your total food bill before tax, 10% of your bar bill before tax. IF your feel you have received outstanding service....feel free to tip more, please note that if you are not happy with service please speak with a manager, sometimes customers like to think a long wait for their food, cold food or different problems are solely the waitstaff%26#39;s fault...not so. Plus servers HAVE to pay income taxes on 7% of that food bill regardless if you tip or not.
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