Saturday, April 21, 2012

Airport security at Gatwick with regards to baby milk

We have a 3 month old baby and are going to orlando in December and are worried we wont be baby to take on our baby milk on the plane? whats the situation with this?

Also do any of you know what happens to the prams, we have been told we can take it to the door of the plane and they will take it from there, does it go in the plane or cargo area?



Airport security at Gatwick with regards to baby milk

Always worth asking, but don%26#39;t forget there is often good information on the Internet. For example, on the Gatwick site, within, it says:

What about a bottle of prepared milk does it need to be a maximum of 100ml?

No, nor does it have to fit in the re-sealable bag. However, the amount must be sufficient for your trip only. You may be asked to taste baby milk and food by a security officer. There are no limits on powder formula and water is available in shops after security and airlines can provide water during the flight.

What happens if the baby can only tolerate non- dairy and needs Soya or rice milk?

As long as the milk is in a bottle and tasted by the accompanying adult at security that鈥檚 fine.

Sorry, no recent experience of prams etc.

Airport security at Gatwick with regards to baby milk

how about sma cartons? are they allowed

Formula powder is subject to the same security as any other non-liquid product. It is only when it is ';made up'; that it attracts extra security, as previously posted.

If you mean the pre-mixed SMA cartons, no they are not allowed. Any baby milk must be tasted infront of the secuity agent.

As for prams, it depends on the airline. If there is space onboard then it may well go in a wardrobe or spare stowage. If it goes in the hold, there is no guaratee you will get it back at the door on arrival, you will have to wait for it to be retrieved or it will come out on the baggage belt with the suitcases.

hi there

Yes you can take the pram up to the aircraft door. I dont know where they store it though just ask at the boarding gate.

Anything you buy airside (after you have been through security) you can take on the plane this includes liquids, so pop into boots and get the ready made cartons i used to take these with me before we had all this security, because they were convienient.

Good luck


just check out the airport and make sure there is a boots there to buy your milk- most large airports have them.


There%26#39;s def one at Gawick south and North as I go into both to buy my water for the flight.

Don%26#39;t forget a small bottle of juice to suck on for acending/descending to help with ear pressure.

i dont have experience long-haul,but when i flew edinburgh-southampton with my 1yr old daughter i kept hold of the buggy until we got on the plane. The buggy went in the hold and i had to get it off the baggage rail in southampton. (Which was great fun cause as soon as i put the wee one down to get it she ran off to arrivals lounge)

Coming back from southampton - they took her bottle of her (it only had juice in it) but if i remember it was going through security they wouldnt even give me a chance to drink from it just yanked it of her - so i then had a screaming toddler to deal with. I then had to take her through security - out of the buggy while i tried to get all the bags together take my shoes off and collapse the buggy to go through the x-ray machine - she promptly ran of to departures lounge and not one security person helped me or stopped her. They then took her very expensive bum cream of me - she had a very bad nappy rash - needless to say was not impressed. While i was tied up with security she was running freely through departures.

just realised my post turned into a rant - sorry. The point is just cause you have a baby my experience is they are not sympathetic and are very strict.

Keep in mind what i said about the nappy cream - if u use it buy it after security - they even took my lip balm of me and where trying to take my camera aswell- lol.

when we go to florida next year there will be alot of us so hopefully shouldnt have a prob with run away toddlers - lol

Hope you have a great trip and buy all you need from the boots AFTER security.

Sorry i have rambled on


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