Friday, March 30, 2012

Trip report

While my wife and I have just completed our 8th trip in the last 11 years to Key West, I thought I%26#39;d make this report as I%26#39;ve only been a TA member for the past year.

I%26#39;ll offer my brief negatives first as it is always better to end with the positives, which are many.

First, I agree with others about that eyesore being built next to Schnoor Wharf Bar. While development can%26#39;t be stopped, this place will look totally out of place next to an old seaport bar and market. Someone had pasted a picture of a guy ';relieving'; himself into the pool scene that was depicted to promote this development. I wish I had taken a picture. The next day I saw it the';relief'; part had been wiped away. While the picture was a little dirty, it wasn%26#39;t as bad as some of the tee shirts on Duval, and I understood the point. Maybe the project will help to spare the Waterfreont Market next door which I read might be closing, but I doubt it. It is a shame

I was also a little distressed by being hit up constantly by the panhandlers looking for money for ';alcohol research.'; I usually offer a dollar here and there to be honest, but one day, within 5 minutes, we were hit up not only by someone for booze, but also by a persistant SOB looking to give away a bunch of freebies to look at a time share. I said to my wife both were hustlers, only one was looking for a little more money than the other. I don%26#39;t want to sound harsh, especially to those who might be visiting for the first time. The homeless, and those looking for a dollar are not uncommon anywhere, especially a tourist spot like this, and no crime comes of it. But sometimes you don%26#39;t like getting yelled at if for once you happen to walk by, whether it is for the homeless person or the timeshare hustler.

As for the positives. I asked about A %26amp; B Lobster House for my birthday dinner, and it was FANTASTIC. I shared the 2 person surf %26amp; turf meal and the fillet mignon could be cut with a butter knife. We ate outdoors as suggested and that was wonderful too. This explains too why I couldn%26#39;t make the roll call meeting at Captain Tony%26#39;s on Sunday as my head couldn%26#39;t fit outside our door. Also had a great lunch downstairs at Alfonzos Oyster Bar. Had two wonderful meals at Pepe%26#39;s as well. Pepe%26#39;s is Key West%26#39;s oldest restaurant, as well as one of it%26#39;s smallest. It doesn%26#39;t always get the greatest reviews, in part because the menu is so plain, and because of the size of their kitchen, they can%26#39;t do say breakfast and lunch at the same time. But the food is wonderful, as is the service. A terrific little place.

We stay at the Eden House on Fleming and love it. It isn%26#39;t for everyone. If you want room service, or a sunset view it isn%26#39;t here. If you like a little funk, a great pool scene, very friendly service from all, not on top of the action but only a couple of minutes away, and a fun free drink happy hour, then this is the place.

I don%26#39;t usually see a lot about entertainment on this forum, but I still say Sloppy%26#39;s has the best with great piano from Barry Cuda, and one hillarious duo named Pete and Waytne which we saw for the first time. We couldn%26#39;t stop laughing.

Finally, the best part about the trip, besides the company of my wife, is slipping into ';island time.'; You literally lose minutes and hours, and feel much better for it.

Thanks to all who we met, laughed with, waited on us, and served us. See you next year!!

Trip report

Sounds like a great trip! Thanks for the report. BTW - the negatives are seen as negatives by everyone. It is illegal in Key West to panhandle and as you point out, by either the homeless or those who want to sell you one. Both are obnoxious.

Trip report

We were in KW 3 week ago, and were pleasantly surprised- didn%26#39;t get panhandled ONCE. We walked or biked by lots of people who were obviously homeless but no one said a word. Maybe it was us?

Thanks for posting such a great report. I am glad you had a great dinner at A%26amp;B and took my suggestion to sit outside.

I love Pete and Wayne but they are not for everyone so I rarely ever suggest them. They are a riot. You either love them or you don%26#39;t, lol.

Like Pete and Wayne%26#39;s sign says...

';Adult entertainment, childish behavior';

I thought they were funny, but at times even I felt a little uncomfortable. One particular sing-along they do had the whole crowd involved, and the sides of Sloppy%26#39;s are open to the streets. I felt a little embarrased for those who were walking by, possibly with smaller children.

We have never had a bad experience with the homeless - however this past trip I did. One guy was asking money for a beer and we NEVER carry cash anymore. And I point blank told him, ';hey man, if I had cash on me I would give you some.'; Well then one of his homeless buddies sneaks up to me from behind and said ';well give us your credit card.'; I will admit - I felt threatened since I was alone and then my fiancee came out and they left. However, we happened to walk by the ';credit card man'; the next day - and he just so happened to remember us. Again, felt threatened - he yelled at me to give him my credit card! OH well, hopefully just an isolated incident.

I agree about Sloppy Joe%26#39;s. I love their rock bands.

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