Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sunset Performer missing

This was on Keysnews. I really hope it was a hoax.

Mallory Square escape artist Michael Patrick, who was missing Tuesday night, is shown here with his anti-Hurricane Wilma artwork before last year%26#39;s storm. Patrick, who usually escapes from a straitjacket and chains hanging upside-down from a tall tripod, changed his act at Tuesday%26#39;s sunset. Wearing a straitjacket, and without his tripod or chains, he jumped off the pier%26#39;s ledge into the ocean%26#39;s swift current and disappeared. Police were treating the incident seriously, though friends hoped it was a Halloween hoax.

Sunset Performer missing

He%26#39;s found, it was a hoax. I imagine there%26#39;s going to be hell to pay.

Sunset Performer missing

Well thta%26#39;s good news that he is okay. You%26#39;re right about hell to pay.

I%26#39;m sure that search for him yesterday cost a pretty penny.

Thank god he is ok. Patricks defense fund?


Glad he%26#39;s okay too but defense fund for this idiot? Not on your life! The cost of the Coast Guard, Fire Department, Police Department and Sheriff will be unbelievable. ( A Coast Guard helo alone is figure to cost about $2500 per operating hour - maintanace, crew, fuel, %26amp; airframe hours) In addition, his little stunt diverted rescue resources that might have been urgently needed elsewhere. Also, think about the trauma to the people who witnessed this butthead go into the water. A fellow performer even dived in to attempt to rescue him. There were children there. I say let him take the consequenses... He earned them.

The only question is what his future cellmate will call him; Mary or Alice.

they will take it that seriously in key west?

not defending the guy, but he probably just didn%26#39;t think it out...could have been some sort of ill-conceived tribute to Houdini.

Some of my high school buddies once pulled off a ';prank'; where the one guy wanted to withdraw some money from his bank %26amp; they thought it would be funny to ';demand'; the money using masks %26amp; a water pistol. Just plain DUMB %26amp; yet these were otherwise intelligent kids who just had a momentary lapse of common sense. (Luckily, these kids%26#39; parents could afford good lawyers who kept them out of jail.)

I see no reason to punish him if he shows remorse %26amp; makes restitution, but that will be up to the judge.

If he wnted it to be a ';stunt'; he should have somehow gotten the police involved, letting them know what he was going to do.

Then after 5 - MAYBE 10 - minutes suddenly appear back on the pier announcing ';TAAA DAAAA';.

To walk away and leave everyone searching is just plain wrong.

Reuters has a story about what went on. In the article they says the Police Chief wants him banned from Sunset Celebration and they are looking to charge him the $25,000 that is cost to look for him.

He%26#39;s fooked.

if he wanted to disappear all he had to do was run naked into the aqua dance club and fling himself down on the stage

It was in the paper today that they did ban him from Mallory Square performances. He%26#39;s still in jail because of the $25,000 bond. They are really taking it seriously because he did put so many lives in danger without regard for other people%26#39;s welfare. IF one of the performers that had jumped in after him had died, it would have probably been some kind of involuntary murder charge, so he%26#39;s lucky that nothing happened to them.

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