Friday, March 30, 2012

Timing for the trip back.

Well, forst off I sort of a spazz when it comes to flying. Not the actual flyikng, but worryin%26#39; about missing my flight.

So here%26#39;s my quandry. We are driving from KW to Miami on a Sunday. Our flight is at 9:35. How much time should we give ourselves to drive, gas up and return the rental to make sure we get back on time?

Timing for the trip back.

6 hrs.

3 - 4 hrs to drive to MIA

the extra time to return car, etc.

Timing for the trip back.

Would that time frame of 6 hrs apply KW to Ft Lauderdale also?

I would add another 45 mins for FLL, although - rental car area is easier than MIA.

Depends on the rush hours too.

I spazz too. Missing the flight is the last thing I%26#39;d need at the end of a great vacation! I always worry about an accident blocking the road, which has been known to happen.

I hope your flight is at 9:35 pm. If not, I%26#39;d think about getting a room somewhere closer to MIA for the last night.

Yes, 9:35 pm. We wanted to have as much of a final day in KW, so we opted for the latest flight out. Of course, if we miss it, we are kinda screwed...

We just drove up from Key West for a flight out of Ft. Lauderdale on Saturday. I think we left KW at 9:30 a.m. and arrived at the FLL rental return about 1:30 p.m. Our flight was at 4:45 p.m. Obviously, we had plenty of extra time, but we factored that in in case we ran into traffic and/or weather issues. We just used the time to have one last drink in Florida and make friends with other sad travelers returning to the north.

1- You need 4 hours to drive.

2- You need 1/2 hours to return the car.

3- You need to be at the airport 2 hours before your flight.

4- You need to leave 3:00 AM the latest.


1- You could return the car in KW and fly.

2- You could drive up the night before,return your car and stay at

the airport hotel.

bottomtime, OP%26#39;s flight is PM.

Another thing to be considered is ship traffic. I%26#39;ve seen the line to get through security REALLLLLLLLLY long in FLL. I don%26#39;t think that a 9:30 PM flight will have that problem, but you never know. There is a Chili%26#39;s - at least in the gate area I go to - where you can have a bite to eat, and wait.

security lines might not be a problem that late at night, but if you have some full flights going out it might be. Less lanes are open that late at night, compared with peak times during the day. Although you shouldn%26#39;t need to be there two hours before your flight.... not at that time of time. Just make sure you are there at least 30 minutes prior to your departure. (and by that I mean you are checked in at the Tminus 30 minute mark... not rolling up to the counter)

Is the cruise ship problem also at Miami?

Thanks to everyone on this post for great advice and some of the funniest posts!

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