Saturday, March 24, 2012


Well, we are all packed and ready for our trip to Orlando on Saturday BUT my youngest has now come down with a bad chest infection and bronchiolitis! The docs have told us that depending on how he is we might not be able to fly! We are devastated as this holiday was intended for us to get away for a break as a family after a really crappy year! Really fed up now!!!

Sorry, just needed to vent!

Vics x


I am completely and utterly fed up too.


Yeesh, what bad luck! Hope he gets better and quickly.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but check your travel insurance....

Dont give up yet.Kids are notorious for bouncing back quickly.I realy hope this is the case for you.Keep us posted .

Thanks pixiedust. I REALLY hope he%26#39;s gonna be ok but its not looking good at the minute!

My mum was in Orlando last week and her partners grandson had the same thing plus an abcess in his ear. This was on Tuesday and they told them that he wouldn%26#39;t be fit for the flight on Friday.

Luckily antibiotics sorted it and he was declared fit to travel 7 hours before their flight home.

Have faith in modern medicine and dose him up with Vit C to help boost his immune system.

I%26#39;m crossing my fingers and toes for you!

kids get better very quickly, give the antibiotics 48 to 72 hours, and you%26#39;ll see the difference..and of course as you get into your holiday he%26#39;ll don%26#39;t worry..he%26#39;ll be fine.

How old is your little one - it is %26#39;Bronch season%26#39; (my ward is full of kids with it) age is usually a major factor as to how quickly they bounce back. Fingers crossed for you


Hi Vics

hope your little one gets better soon, hopefully the antibiotics will kick in quick and he will be well enough to go.

Good luck got my fingers crossed fo you all.


Hi Juls

Thomas is 17 months old but he has Downs which is a major factor in why he gets ill all the time with his chest. At this time of year I think its inevitable. Just hoping he gets better quickly!....

Hoping and praying your little one will be well enough to fly on Saturday. You all need the break and your little one will so enjoy all the sights, sounds and adventures when he is there.

Keeping everything crossed for you. Speedy recovery.


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