Saturday, April 21, 2012

Phone Shop in Intl. Drive


I want to buy an iphone while in Orlando but will need to get it unlocked, anyone know any shops on IDrive that do this?



Phone Shop in Intl. Drive

Unless there%26#39;s been a breakthrough recently, I know for sure you won%26#39;t be able to unlock an iPhone to use in the UK. I saw a report on BBC News when it was launched that not only is not compatible with anything else other than the service they provide, as a US phone it can%26#39;t be unlocked (or at least it would be very difficult to unlock) to use abroad. I was eyeing it up myself,lol.

I%26#39;ve read in one of the pc magazines that hackers have been trying to do so ever since it went on the market in the summer.

Not saying it%26#39;s impossible, but if you do manage to find someone to unlock your iPhone to use in the UK, he%26#39;d be considered a bit of a genius.

Good luck.

Phone Shop in Intl. Drive


Below is a link to a company that unlocks in the UK, several unlocks are now available (think it took 42 days) but I would rather have it unlocked and working with my chip out there.

Although Apple had it locked to on network, it is only standard GSM tech.鈥?/a>


Then I doff my hat to whoever owns that company, that has to be pretty recent. I read that even though hackers managed to at last unlock the phone, it can only be used as an ipod or web-browser and not as an actual phone in the UK. That can be old news though, as I did read that a few weeks ago. Please make sure for your money that it unlocks to release ALL its facilities and that it doesn%26#39;t knacker the software.

Apologies if it seems I%26#39;m a bit down on it. Just that for the money you spend on the phone, plus the costs to unlock it, I%26#39;d hate to hear that something happened to the handset you spent your hard-earned on. Please also make sure, if you%26#39;re buying in the States, that the warranty will still be valid if you unlock the phone.

For what it costs I%26#39;d be like you and be sorely tempted to buy out there as well, but I upgraded to the N95 in June, and I%26#39;m very happy with it for now. The iPhone%26#39;ll cost an arm and a leg when it comes out here in November, so I don%26#39;t blame you.

I like gadgets I do. Can you tell:-).

I too am impressed, however, what happens when it packs up - you have no warranty - and it is version 1?

It gets a really poor report in todays Times except as a fashion accessory and the girl on Something for the Weekend for me summed up the brain dead pop princesses who will buy it as she squealed and drooled over it. But then I am old and have no fashion sense.

There is nothing illegal in unlocking it in the UK, but in the US it is a bit different. A %26#39;phones firmware is protected under copyright and if a shop were to advertise, Apple might take a huff and try to prevent them under Digital Millenium Copyright Act 1998.

However, rip off Britain is bullied by Apple / Nike etc by their price fixing so if you can get one and are not bothered about the warranty good luck.

BTW, if it works, let us know %26#39;cause my own 13 year old squealing brain dead pop princess will no doubt want one for Xmas.


I have also seen video evidence of one been unlocked and working on T Mobile, if you buy and dont register with the american company it will only work as ipod etc, the the unlock is now widely available. I do like a gadget :) and have wanted one since it came out, but I will not pay the price O2 want when launched here in November.


You are right, it is not for everyone and the fact that it does all I will need from ipod and phone and its looks great will suit me fine.

Having said that, give it two weeks and my daughter will have nicked it lol.


C%26#39;mon people, someone must know some phone shops. I will check them out I just need some pointers.


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